All of Fabric 6 - AOF6

All of Fabric 6 - AOF6


Create Item Drain

Sh1tL0rd opened this issue · 3 comments


item drain drains bottle o enchanting for XP obelisk liquid XP, is their a way to make it do Kibe Liquid XP??? its the same recipe.


An alternative would be to add two MI Centrifuge recipes, both of which cost Bottles o'Enchanting and output glass bottles, but one recipe outputs liquid XP from XP Obelisk and the other outputs liquid XP from Kibe. The recipes would still conflict, but this can be solved by locking the output slot to the requested fluid.


you could do the same for the create mixer, have it take bottles of enchanting and output either fluid with a filter


instead, why not just change it to output kibe liquid xp all the time? as soon as you pipe kibe xp into an xp obelisk it turns into xp obelisk xp, and thats the only way you'll interact with xp obelisk xp anyway, and if you dont want xp obelisk xp, it'll just give you kibe xp all the time. this would remove the need for extra recipes and just need to adjust one instead