All of Fabric 6 - AOF6

All of Fabric 6 - AOF6


The 'Entangled' mod does not play nice with MI cables

evilnancyreagan opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Try to entangle a MI cable, sit back and enjoy the ride.

Entangled is a damn nice mod to have, would be a shame to 86 it. It's far superior to what Kibe has to offer.

I'm no techno-guru but, it smells like a rendering issue as the crash is only client-side and the ole log barfs out the classic;:

[Render thread/ERROR] [WTHIT] Caught unhandled exception : [renderStack | 1 block] net.minecraft.class_148: Rendering Block Entity

Below is the full crash log, I apologize if it is not parsed properly. Again, I don't write code so, I am not 100% sure what is relevant and what is not.


while your situation causes a similar issue...the issue in your log has to do with supplementaries hanging sign. disable sodium and see if the issue resolves.

you can also try setting fast_signs to true in the supplementaries client config


Wellp. You are correct in your analysis of the crash report I posted. Your suggestion does in fact seem to help with the issue represented in said report. Thanks!

However, that was not the report relevant to the issue I am posting about xD

Here we go:

and yeah, I was able to kill the offending block with the console and it resolved the CTD.

Don't entangle MI cables, kids, not even once!