All of Fabric 6 - AOF6

All of Fabric 6 - AOF6


[Suggestion] Config option for cutter machine work without lubricant

LuciusV opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Hi, I just deleted whole world and pack because grinding for automating cutter is unbearable at initial stage of the game.
Please consider simplification of automation.


a lot of lubricant isn't needed early game, and once you get your first quarry set up, you should have WAY more than enough resources to automate lubricant, before ever getting to electric age.

get steam drill, go to 30ish, 15ish and -52ish and crouch veinmine to find ore, gather enough for bronze age.
make bronze age stuff.

gather a bunch of iron in twilight forest. semi-automate steel production, be sure to output creosote into some tank system.

build steam quarry and large boiler. semi automate coke into the boiler.

  • Steam quarry coal can be processed to coke to run boiler for a LONG time

make a handful of bronze drills for the quarry. be sure to output the quarry outputs fast. add 2-3 item output blocks as needed.

once you have a good supply of ore, its just a matter of making a bunch of steel or bronze macerators and such to process whatever ores the quarry produces. once you have ore processing automated, you can automate the parts and the drills.

Yes, its a process but by the time you get to "automate parts", lubricant is a non-issue, and before that, lubricant is still a non issue due to you already collecting the required ores immediately after getting the steam drill.


Thank you so much for tips, I'll give it a try!