All of Fabric 6 - AOF6

All of Fabric 6 - AOF6


Hex Casting v0.10.2 has a bug preventing advanced spells from working

mtakemoto opened this issue ยท 3 comments


I was in the Hex Casting discord trying to get a conditional spell to work and ran into this. Original issue from Hex Casting repo:

It's been confirmed to be fixed in v0.10.3. Can you please update this in the next release? Thank you!


This is already fixed in the latest AoF6. But you have to run a command to actually fix it since most worlds were created with the bugged version.
/hexcasting recalcPatterns
There is nothing we can do about this. This command must be run to fix it.


I'm still seeing the default Hex Casting .jar file come in as 0.10.2 in AoF6 v1.0.2. I just dropped the new .jar version into my client and server and that fixed the new spell I wrote. I didn't have any existing patterns that needed to be fixed but thanks for showing me that command.

I also don't see the modlist or patch notes mention the version bump either.


oh? Perhaps this is actually a different bug then what I was talking about. In that case it should be fixed when we next update then.