[Crash]: Server crashing randomly when users load new chunks or teleport using waystones/RTP
Lightveld opened this issue ยท 6 comments
Possible Fixes
Modpack Version
What happened?
A specific user is crashing the server constantly when moving around to load new chunks or using waystones or RTP
Crash Log
the same thing happens to me in singleplayer, started after update 10-1.24 when using rtp in The Twilight Forest
Can confirm, not sure if it's happening in the TF but since we updated to 1.24, we're seeing random crashes from exploration. Presumably in the overworld. TF has a ton of issues.
Can confirm!
Still getting the issue, as late as today.
Minecraft crashes after a few moment trying to load the new chunks.
Would like to see a fix for this, Waystones is a really neat QoL mod that makes the world so much more accessable.
Likely issue with Ars Noveau particles unloading, fixed in Ars Noveau 5.2.3 released with ATM10 1.17
Nope, still crashes for me. Updated the pack with today's update 2.9.
Minecraft crashes when using Waystones, returning exit code -1 with the reason The game crashed whilst ticking block entity Error: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot get property DirectionProperty{name=facing, clazz=class net.minecraft.core.Direction, values=[north, east, south, west, up, down]} as it does not exist in Block{minecraft:void_air}
Complete crash log can be found here: https://pastebin.com/rQAcuube
Nope, still crashes for me. Updated the pack with today's update 2.9. Minecraft crashes when using Waystones, returning exit code -1 with the reason
The game crashed whilst ticking block entity Error: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot get property DirectionProperty{name=facing, clazz=class net.minecraft.core.Direction, values=[north, east, south, west, up, down]} as it does not exist in Block{minecraft:void_air}
.Complete crash log can be found here: https://pastebin.com/rQAcuube
This is a very different crash from what the original poster had, this will get fixed in restrictions 7.0.3
Duplicate of #1214
Will be included in the ATM release coming after the 7.0.3 release of restrictions, until then, recommend not using the mod