[Bug]: RAM slowly gets filled after some time
JaeLou opened this issue ยท 12 comments
Possible Fixes
Modpack Version
What happened?
I usually use 12GB of RAM and ATM10 only takes like 8GB. But in the latest version it slowly increases the longer I play, until its full and the game starts to stutter. I tried to raise the RAM up to 16GB but it only increaces the time it takes to fill up.
It seems to be some kind of memory management issue but I can't find anything that would cause it. it might be a specific mod or block, or the packversion itself.
I use DDR5 6400 CL32 btw if thats important
Developer reports
No response
+1, it happens to me also when i get disconnected due to packet loss, the ram increases by 400mb or so then it eats all the ram
+1, cant figure out why it's doing this, I reverted to a previous version for now.
I would like details on who's using shaders, and who is playing on multi player vs single player
I would like details on who's using shaders, and who is playing on multi player vs single player
I don't use Shaders and i play on a Server that is hosted by me (not the same machine i'm playing on)
I don't use Shaders and i play on a Server that is hosted by me (not the same machine i'm playing on)
Information from Uncandango, another member of the team is:
there is a known memory leak with Hyperbox, and he needs to make sure he is chunkloading that dimension/chunk from inside
Do you have a hyperbox that could have this issue?
Same goes for @nk34player and @KronosThanato caould this also fit for you?
Do you have a hyperbox that could have this issue? Same goes for @nk34player and @KronosThanato caould this also fit for you?
I actually did not use this mod at all on the server, but i would have to check up on the other three players, if they did.
is there a way to detect if they did?
is there a way to detect if they did?
Will show up in list of dimensions
A different memory leak was also discovered in the mean time, related to a player placing two more more Inventory Holders
Will show up in list of dimensions
A different memory leak was also discovered in the mean time, related to a player placing two more more Inventory Holders
Yeah.. that makes sense. I have more then 2 Inventory Holders
But there were 3 of them in this word (in forceloaded chunks) in a previous version of the pack.
I added 2 in this version but i think that is the problem. I'm gonna destroy them for now and wait for just dire things to update. Thanks for your help, appreciate that!
I don't use Shaders and i play on a Server that is hosted by me (not the same machine i'm playing on)
Information from Uncandango, another member of the team is:
there is a known memory leak with Hyperbox, and he needs to make sure he is chunkloading that dimension/chunk from inside
Do you have a hyperbox that could have this issue? Same goes for @nk34player and @KronosThanato caould this also fit for you?
no i don't use hyperbox neither shaders and actually it used to happen back in time when i played atm8 while atm9 to the sky didn't happen
I don't use Shaders and i play on a Server that is hosted by me (not the same machine i'm playing on)
Information from Uncandango, another member of the team is:
there is a known memory leak with Hyperbox, and he needs to make sure he is chunkloading that dimension/chunk from inside
Do you have a hyperbox that could have this issue? Same goes for @nk34player and @KronosThanato caould this also fit for you?
I don't use hyperbox, I play on a multiplayer server hosted on another pc in the same room, and I use the CoplementaryUnbound_r5.3 + EuphoriaPatches_1.4.3 shader. This occurs even when no one is online. the server is also about 8 seconds behind in tps, and it makes opening inventories a pain. I however went from 2.0 to 2.6 when I updated the server. On the client side, I also use Borderless Gaming from Steam while playing to make the game borderless windowed without adding any extra mods to the game itself, it hasn't cause an issue on any modpack that I've ever played though so I don't think that it is the cause of the issue.
+1 on this. started happening after updating from 2.5 to 2.6
no hyperbox, no shaders
and I only have 10gigs alotted for the server at any given time. So it shouldn't be using more at all. have to restart every few hours it becomes unplayable, server goes 300-900 ticks behind, guis take 4 to 8 seconds to even load, effects AE2 and mystical greatly
not seeing anything in the terminal, aside from ticks behind and massive christmas creeper death spam when my mob farm is running.
and to put it into perspective i only have
a mobgrinder farm
a 5x5x9 reactor and 5x5x9 turbine(extreme reactors) 1 9x9 MA farm(it is loaded with 35 growth accelerators and crystal resonances)
and a basic ae2 system.
Server is run on ubuntu 22.04 LTS with 16 gigs of ram and a xeon processor on a 1GBiT connection
game is ran on 2 different machines it does it on both 1 being a 7900x3d, 3080ti, 64gb ram, the other being a 5700x, 32gb ram 2080 super.
Any of you can run a
/spark heapsummary
/sparkc heapsummary
if on multiplayer
Also there was an issue with Sophisticated Backpacks,
check your /world/data/sophisticatedbackpacks.dat
file size if you notice something absurd
if you do, backup your world, after that run
/sophisticatedbackpacks removeNonPlayer false
restart server and check files again