[Quests issues]: Rainbow Generator quest requires netherite furnace but currently states it is not needed
Spencersss opened this issue ยท 0 comments
Modpack Version
All The Mods 10 v2.8
Describe the issue
In the below quest under the 'Generators N Furnaces' quest line, it mentions that you can get an additional 50kFE per tick assuming you use the right setup. It explicitly states that you do not require the Netherite Furnace alongside the other 8 tiers of furnace to gain the boost, which is incorrect.
I ended up digging around into this and tried a few setups and adding the Netherite Furnace to the setup in addition to the following gave the buff as expected:
- Copper Furnace
- Iron Furnace
- Silver Furnace
- Gold Furnace
- Diamond Furnace
- Emerald Furnace
- Crystal Furnace
- Obsidian Furnace
Suggested updates to fix this quest issue:
- Remove statement that mentions netherite furnace not being necessary
- Update the quest description to say that 9 furnaces are required in addition to the rainbow furnace (all with generators, actively burning fuel, and having empty buffers).
- Add the netherite furnace as a required item for the quest if possible