[Bug]: Can't remove some items from Integrated Dynamics storage terminal but can see them in the inventory window
SszlGaming opened this issue ยท 2 comments
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What happened?
Steps to reproduce:
- Open Integrated Dynamics Storage Terminal
- Click in search field at top of screen
- Type in @Soph
- See items Advanced Restock Upgrade and Advanced Hopper Upgrade
- Try to pull these items into inventory. Shift click, click and drag, click to pick up and click to drop in inventory, all fail to move items
- Can pull these items out if use another Advanced Restock Upgrade in a backpack and set it to pull these two items, then shift click on the Sophisticated Storage: Storage Controller. Seems to be issue with Integrated Dynamics Storage Terminal for these two items. It works fine for every other item I have tried, including all of the other Sophisticated * items. So it's not a display issue - the items are really there. And can be pulled out of storage if use methods other than the storage terminal. It's also not those two specific items. Reproducible if I drop in additional items of the same type.
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I also experienced this, using ID + Sophisticated storage (controller). I specifically could not remove silent gear tools, all other items worked seemingly fine.
I have had this issue, specifically if you are using Sophisticated storage + advanced item filters and the item in question isn't in the filter BUT is in the chest/barrel (i.e.: chest has mod filter 'Mekanism' but the SS hopper upgrade is in the chest). Refiltering the chests resolved it for me.