[Crash]: Minecolonies Hospital with Shogun Theme soft-locking the game
mfczureal opened this issue ยท 1 comments
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Modpack Version
What happened?
We have a minecolony of about 12 building so far, all of them with the Shogun theme (Townhall, several guard towers, builders, farmer, etc...). However, when using the building tool to preview and ultimately place the Hospital, selecting the Hospital preview (with the Shogun theme) will soft-lock the client. It will hang (and on Windows) you get the spinning circle icon and if you click on the MC window it will grey out like an unresponsive program. On occasion, it will return briefly, but then soft-lock again and at this point, you have to force-quit the application and we don't get an actual crash log, just an exit code (which I don't have).
We did get lucky and one of my users simply opened up the building tool for Minecolony and got a crash, linked below.
We were able to load up the Hospital preview in another theme and successfully place it, but for some reason, the Shogun theme keeps soft-locking the client.
Thanks again!
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