[Crash]: ATM10 crashes after few minutes Question if Modpack issue or Mojang issue
MakuJay opened this issue ยท 4 comments
Possible Fixes
Modpack Version
What happened?
After loading into the Game and joining the server, Minecraft crashes with Exit Code -1
Crash file is created.
The same problem appeared with Modpack Version 2.19
No Issues with Version 2.18
Further information on Hardware:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 5600X
GPU: RTX 3060
After Starting the modpack again and joining the server an other Exit Code is given.
Identical Issue is on reddid already there but the fix proposed there does not help.
Please help.
Crash Log
No response
Found out, that it has to do something either with mahou Tsukai, MobGrinindUtilities or Apothic Spawners.
In our base we have multiple plattforms and the crash appeared on the plattform with mahou tsukai stuff, MobGrinindUtilites and Apothic Spawners. After Removing this stuff the Client did not crash anymore.
We try to further indentify the exact mod.
Hey, i have the same issue when i look to my mob farm. But i have enderIO spawners. So, our same mod is then Mob Grinding Utils. Maybe thats the problem.