[Bug]: AE Wireless Terminal not working after crash with "Network Protocol Error"
Closed this issue · 2 comments
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What happened?
I'm not sure yet if this issue belongs to ATM10, Applied Energistics or even MineColonies. I haven't found anything like this in any of the three so far, so I'll start here.
Yesterday I crafted several Colony Flag banners from MineColonies in my AE2 Wireless Crafting Grid. During a crafting process my world crashed with a “Network Protocol Error”. A restart went without a hitch and the savegame was also saved.
But since then my wireless crafting terminal no longer works. What I have already tried:
- Checked the network and channels: Everything is online and valid.
- Wirless access point dismantled and rebuilt.
- Re-linked the wireless terminal with the access point.
After that, I also started a new world in creative mode and built a mini setup with disk drive and wireless access point. The wireless crafting grid also worked there.
Developer reports
No response
ChatGPT says the following regarding the provided Log:
Here is the translation of the log details into English:
Error related to recipes and banners:
A NullPointerException occurs because the method patterns.layers()
is called while patterns
is null. This error seems to be in the Mod Supplementaries, specifically in the FlagFromBannerRecipe
Connection to the Polymorph mod:
The error propagates through the Polymorph mod, which is supposed to handle various recipes, and ultimately affects Applied Energistics 2 (AE2). AE2 is apparently fetching a recipe through Polymorph, triggering the chain of errors.
Crash of AE2 Crafting Terminals:
In connection with the CraftingTermMenu of AE2, there is an interaction with Polymorph that leads to a network disruption. The Wireless Crafting Terminal becomes unusable as a result.
Network Error:
The client's connection to the server is terminated with the message "Network Protocol Error." This is likely a consequence of the aforementioned errors.