[Bug]: Apotheosis "Ancient Knowledge" Effect Timers not working
KindarConrath opened this issue ยท 2 comments
Possible Fixes
Modpack Version
What happened?
Ancient Knowledge isn't refreshing or stacking as it was before the last update.
Steps to reproduce:
Create SP world (in creative)
give sword, reforging table, godforged pearls, augmenting table
place down reforging table
put sword & godforged pearls in reforging table
enchant sword without modifier "On hit, gain Ancient Knowledge () [] [Stacking]"
swap a yellow text property for the Ancient Knowledge modifier
** the one you usually get from strait enchanting is "Sophisticated" which is the really long duration one, you want "Omniscient" which has a short duration/cooldown, you usually have to get this one from reforging **
give Target Dummy
place down Target Dummy
hit with sword
check that you have Ancient Knowledge
wait the cooldown duration
hit the dummy again
check Ancient Knowledge
Expected behaviour:
refresh cooldown & stack Ancient Knowledge
Current behaviour:
cooldown doesn't refresh until the duration remaining is under 10 seconds, and it may or may not stack to IV but never higher
Previous behaviour:
cooldown refreshed and Ancient Knowledge stacked infinitely, adding stacks on after each cooldown period
Current pack version 2.25
No response
Developer reports
No response
Intended fix for this exact behavior