All the Mods 10 - ATM10

All the Mods 10 - ATM10


[Bug]: Apotheosis "Ancient Knowledge" Effect Timers not working

KindarConrath opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Possible Fixes


Modpack Version


What happened?

Ancient Knowledge isn't refreshing or stacking as it was before the last update.

Steps to reproduce:
Create SP world (in creative)
give sword, reforging table, godforged pearls, augmenting table
place down reforging table
put sword & godforged pearls in reforging table
enchant sword without modifier "On hit, gain Ancient Knowledge () [] [Stacking]"
swap a yellow text property for the Ancient Knowledge modifier
** the one you usually get from strait enchanting is "Sophisticated" which is the really long duration one, you want "Omniscient" which has a short duration/cooldown, you usually have to get this one from reforging **
give Target Dummy
place down Target Dummy
hit with sword
check that you have Ancient Knowledge
wait the cooldown duration
hit the dummy again
check Ancient Knowledge

Expected behaviour:
refresh cooldown & stack Ancient Knowledge

Current behaviour:
cooldown doesn't refresh until the duration remaining is under 10 seconds, and it may or may not stack to IV but never higher

Previous behaviour:
cooldown refreshed and Ancient Knowledge stacked infinitely, adding stacks on after each cooldown period

From pack version 2.18

Current pack version 2.25



No response

Developer reports

No response


Hmm, according to that, the change was intended.

  1. the re-application after CD timer is pretty broken
  2. it is unfortunate that very high XP requirements for improving gear were added (see 225 level cost for upgrade - per step) while taking away the best way to get XP