[Crash]: Journey map claiming chunks
RedStoneGamed opened this issue · 18 comments
Possible Fixes
Modpack Version
What happened?
i tried to claim chunks with journey map and the game crashed and now i cant open my world, there is also no backups. this is what the report said.
The game crashed whilst unexpected error
Error: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "journeymap.api.v2.common.waypoint.WaypointGroup.isEnabled()" because the return value of "journeymap.common.waypoint.WaypointImpl.getGroup()" is null
plz help
Crash Log
"C:\Users\damia\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\All the Mods 10 - ATM10\crash-reports\crash-2024-09-25_20.34.33-client.txt"
No response
It is not really fixed.
I need someone with the issue to stop ghosting me. If someone with the issue can come into discord, create a ticket in the support channel that is willing to run a couple test versions. Then I can fix it, I will not be releasing an update until that happens. I have been unable to reproduce it.
I have the same issue with crashlog and willing to help, just need to know which discord ATM or Journey Map?
crashlog: https://mclo.gs/0cdmgF6
Issue: Loading into singleplayer world crashes after updating from 0.57 to 0.58 and journeymap upon load crashes the game
journeymap preferably
please create a ticket in the support channel. I will be able to help later this evening.
The problem isn’t with the crashing itself, it’s more of I claimed a chunk with Jmi and it crashed my game . Tho. They updated atm 10 and now my world loads with journey map and Jmi but idk why it crashed when claiming
This error has something to do with minecolonies death points or another waypoint they are creating, not sure what yet. I likely won't get time to dig in more until Monday.
Journey Map dev is aware of the issue and has fixed it in a hither to unrealeased version of Journey Map. Expect the next JM update to include the fix
In my case I was running Xaeros but waypoint auto creation was turned off. I can't find what gravestone mod is in ATM 10. With my wither incident I actually would have blamed the gravestone mod but the latest.log saying otherwise.
Either way I feel it premature to be making this your problem without WTD looking at it first.
ATM 10 also has an FTB map which I haven't be able to figure out how to nuke.
Sorry for my ignorance, how do I retrieve the .dat file?
in your minecraft install directory is a journeymap folder.
So in there.
/journeymap/data/sp or mp/worldname/waypoints/
that file
Good afternoon, I recently have the same issue with the modpack.
Modpack Version: ATM 10-0.60
MC Version: 1.21.1
Neoforge - 21.1.61
Journeymaps version: journeymap-neoforge-1.21-6.0.0-beta.26
Error at Launcher: The game crashed whilst unexpected error
Error: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "journeymap.api.v2.common.waypoint.WaypointGroup.isEnabled()" because the return value of "journeymap.common.waypoint.WaypointImpl.getGroup()" is null
Can you come into the jm discord and into this thread please?
I have a test version to see if it resolves your issue.