All the Mods 3 - ATM3

All the Mods 3 - ATM3


Random red-ish tint

gefailter opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Pack Version: 2.0

People randomly get a red tint in the game, disappears after an unknown amount of time.


i have noticed some sort of Eclipse during some days. As if the moon darkendes the sun. During this period mobs spawn even during the day. Can be related. perhaps the light is red-ish during this period. But i dont know what mod is causing that.


Unsure if this is eclipse-related. Sometimes it affects some people online but not others. An eclipse should theoretically affect everyone on dim0 at the same time.


Could this be the worldborder warning hue for being too close to worldborder?


Closing more old issues that I haven't noticed. Feel free to open back up if you notice on ATM3 4.0+ Thanks :D