CoryJS opened this issue ยท 10 comments
Try downloading the forge version it is looking for and placing it in the folder. You can find the version it wants in the settings.cfg file.
Our latest server packs are updated and working fine. Forge universal installer is shipped with said pack and there's no need to download it.
I am having the exact same problem. @Yoosk, I am not sure that's helpful advice since I am having trouble too and your response does not offer any solutions, could you be more specific on how to fix this?
I downloaded the latest server file, from here: https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/all-the-mods-3/files/2521709. I am running the latest version of All the Mods 3 through the Twitch app, and that version is 5.11.2
That's not latest, its outdated by at least 20 versions and almost a year.
That is the latest. https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/all-the-mods-3/files/2639211
Serverpack you linked is not 5.11.2 but 5.7.
Okay, wow, thanks! Although now I have run into the problem of "Could not find "eula = true" in eula.txt file.