Recipe Error - Kubejs Compressium & Allthecompressed
ifficles opened this issue ยท 3 comments
Migrated my saves over to the new version of "to the sky today." And, found several recipe conflicts with Allthecompacted & Compressium, which affects iron, gold, & emerald 1X compressed blocks. What I'm trying to craft is the Gold tier Centrifuge which requires compressed the 1X gold blocks. The output of the recipe has changed as follows;
I do understand that I can change the output manually. However, when using an auto-craft with Refined storage, what is being outputted is being overridden by another mod.
I got an error with this mod too. The gravel is automatically compressed into blocks from Allthecompressed, not ExCompressum. It can be changed manually, but it is automatically created incorrectly.