Hydra crashing game
prejas3 opened this issue ยท 5 comments
After fighiting with Minotaur and etaing beef of strogonoff I go to slay Hydra but everytime it's shooting to me fireballs game is crushing instantlly
Had the same problem! Had to enable cheats and run /kill @e[type=thetwilightforest:hydra] (don't know if that's correct) as soon as I got in and I was able to continue on. Not a fix but more of a bypass to keep on playing. I had to skip the hydra.
After fighiting with Minotaur and etaing beef of strogonoff I go to slay Hydra but everytime it's shooting to me fireballs game is crushing instantlly crash-2022-06-21_15.23.40-client.txt
The same thing happened to me, after the crash, as soon as I relogged I had to run as fast as I could before she set fire to me again.
The best bypass is actually to change dificullty level before joing to game, so in time when world is loading I change the screen, wait for loading and automaticallly minecraft is going into esc menu so easily can change to peacefull, go far away and change it again
I'm having the same issue.
The crash reason is Ticking Entity
-- Entity being ticked --
Entity Type: twilightforest:hydra_mortar (twilightforest.entity.boss.HydraMortarHead)
Entity ID: 44444
Entity Name: Hydra Mortar
Entity's Exact location: 509.37, 1.70, 490.59
Entity's Block location: World: (509,1,490), Section: (at 13,1,10 in 31,0,30; chunk contains blocks 496,-32,480 to 511,255,495), Region: (0,0; contains chunks 0,0 to 31,31, blocks 0,-32,0 to 511,255,511)
Entity's Momentum: 0.13, -0.77, -0.40
Entity's Passengers: []
Entity's Vehicle: null