Crash with 0.2.36 on Linux Mint 20.3, JDK 17
mbrucher opened this issue ยท 1 comments
I get the following error with the latest all the mods 7:
[23:23:02] [main/FATAL]: Attempted to load class net/minecraft/client/player/LocalPlayer for invalid dist DEDICATED_SERVER
[23:23:02] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: net/minecraft/client/player/LocalPlayer (java.lang.RuntimeException: Attempted to load class net/minecraft/client/player/LocalPlayer for invalid dist DEDICATED_SERVER)
[23:23:02] [main/WARN]: @mixin target net.minecraft.client.player.LocalPlayer was not found ars_nouveau.mixins.json:ClientElytraMixin
Maybe I'm not using the right start command (using pointing to the Oracle JDK 17 at /usr/lib/jvm/java-17-oracle/bin/)?