Fixed (Please read lower down) Crash on Ver 0.4.8/0.4.9
Cosmicoofman opened this issue ยท 6 comments
Server Crashed just before attempting the 0.4.9 update, unable to relaunch the server, tried previous back and Tried using world + backup with 0.4.9 and still getting crash.
@Mitchell5200 how do I disable it shall not tick? do I just remove the jar from the mods folder?
waited to see what would happen to the server and after a while it crashed as it had previously
After trying to do some self troubleshooting for this issue me and my friends who play the server were looking through the other issues that had been reported, one of my friends had seen that other people had previously had issues with Elemental Craft (This is the Jar in 0.4.9 - elementalcraft-1.18.2-4.4.4.jar) causing issues with peoples servers, I decided to try it (After creating a .7z to store a backup of the whole server) I removed elemental craft to try and see if it fixed the issues, it fixed the connection issues but didn't fix the Lag / high average tick time.
After when we updated from 0.4.5 to 0.4.8 we had, had our Barrel from Sophisticated storage disappear from the Mining dimension, I went into the Mining dimension and noticed that the quarry plus quarry and the Diamond barrel that was located in the mining dimension had both been broken and all the Blocks/items in the barrel were laying on the ground. I replaced the barrel and put all the items back into the barrel and the lag then went down and after a few minutes, the server was back to normal.
I believe that it was a mixture between the lag which was probably a good 5000+ blocks / items and elemental craft as whenever the server reached elemental craft it would lag and then crash the server (this could have been that at the time of elemental craft loading the server was also trying to load the chunk loaded Quarry Plus Quarry), I am not totally sure which caused which but the mixture of the 2 issues made it impossible to determine which caused it and as such made the server dead in the water.
The issue/s that seemed to be there is that there seems to be an issue with the mining dimension and the Quarry Plus Quarry's and the Sophisticated Storage / potentially other items getting broken without user input when they are within the mining dimension I do believe that there does seem to be issues with the mining dimension.