All the Mods 9 - ATM9

All the Mods 9 - ATM9


[Bug]: Inventory Sorting needs to be disabled on RS Crafter Manager window

VorpalLemur opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Possible Fixes


Modpack Version


What happened?

Accidentally hitting the middle mouse button while the Refined Storage crafter manager is open will ruin your day... taking all patterns across all the crafters in your whole network and reassigning them where they certainly won't work. When you have hundreds of patterns defined, this can be a nightmare to sort out.

I currently have Quark Inventory's 'Sort Player Inventory' and 'Sort Target Inventory' functions unbound. I have middle click bound to Sophisticated Backpacks 'sort backpack' and Sophisticated Storage 'sort storage' as well as minecraft's 'pick block' and JEI's 'cheat 1 stack' functions. That's the complete list of what I have middle mouse click bound to. Looking at this configuration, I have no idea why middle mouse button tries to sort the crafter manager screen, but I'm able to reproduce it at will.


No response

Developer reports

No response


Sorting in atm9 is performed with Inventory Profiles Next. It doesn't record the keybinds in the keybind menu but rather has its own menu which can be opened by pressing the 'rc' keys.