All the Mods 9 - ATM9

All the Mods 9 - ATM9


[Bug]: GregTech Apiary MK2 does not funtion

SethaWetha opened this issue ยท 7 comments


Possible Fixes


Modpack Version


What happened?

When following the recipes provided in JEI, the Apiary MK2 does not do anything. I have tested the recipes with 1 through 5 Sulfur Bees, and 1 through 5 Neutronium Bees.


No response

Developer reports

No response


Unfortunately it is sporadic whether or not the Apiary will work. This is due to how items with partial NBT matches are handled as inputs for recipes. It has been fixed in GTCEu-Modern's dev environment but there has not yet been a release with that fix. Once available, we will include it in an update which should make the Apiary work consistently.



I tried using the exact recipe items (with the same NBT tags, using JEI to give the items), but it still didn't work


apiary is idling
starry bee has upgrades

Also on 0.2.57, using 32 on config


Also outputs "Comb Block" instead of the corresponsding "resource Comb Block", the texture seems to resemble an iron comb block. Any way to fix that? Maybe a manual hotfix by changing the kube.js recipe?


This has been fixed on latest ATM9 v0.3.5


This has been fixed on latest ATM9 v0.3.5

Pretty sure the bug is still present on 0.3.5. The bee from JEI works, but after releasing and recapturing the same bee, it doesn't work anymore.


The bee in JEI is stripped of almost all of its NBT except the ones the Apiary checks for. I do not know what happens when trying to release and recapture a bee cheated in from the JEI recipe, but I do not think that is a usual scenario.

For testing I usually give myself one of the bee spawn eggs, use commands to give myself the 3 genes, make the gene honey treat, spawn the bee, feed the bee, capture the bee, and then test with that bee.

The commands for the genes are as follows:
/give @s productivebees:gene{productivebees_gene_purity: 100, productivebees_gene_attribute: "productivity", productivebees_gene_value: 3}
/give @s productivebees:gene{productivebees_gene_purity: 100, productivebees_gene_attribute: "weather_tolerance", productivebees_gene_value: 2}
/give @s productivebees:gene{productivebees_gene_purity: 100, productivebees_gene_attribute: "behavior", productivebees_gene_value: 2}

The name requirement is no longer present as of ATM9 v1.0.3 as well, which affects how the JEI recipes look.

It is worth noting that sturdy bee cages do not work in the Apiary.

I have not been able to recreate either of the issues mentioned here on ATM9 v1.0.3