Game crashes when using keybind for "Open Backpack" in Sophisticated Backpacks
oliverlaursen opened this issue ยท 12 comments
On fresh install version 0.2.30.
Error message:
Internal Exception: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: readerIndex(6) + length(1) exceeds writerIndex(6): PooledUnsafeDirectByteBuf(ridx: 6, widx: 6, cap: 6)
I also have got this problem, I checked to see if I had the key bind set to something wired, and made sure its only the backpack. I also changed the key bind for the backpack and it still crashes.
Also having this issue, Disconnect from server when pressing keybind to open backpack. Props to Grippod for testing on build number 9-0.2.30.
I reported to Sophisticated Backpacks, but if someone could provide a full crash report and/or log file I am sure it will be helpful
This seems to be fixed in version .31 of the pack. If anyone is still experiencing the issue in version .31, please share a log or crash report
just a note, when I check versions bot .30 and .31 have the same (latest) version of sophisticated backpacks so the issue is/was likely elsewhere
On version 0.2.31;
To add to this, I'm currently seeing this issue when my girlfriend joins my game. It's just when she uses a hotkey to open the backpack. Mine is fine.
As a workaround, she is able to open her backpack by moving it to her toolbar and opening it that way.
I'm personally not having this issue in .31 but one of my players in server I'm in is, and can't open his backpack without being timed out of the server and disconnected.
Are you sure both your client and server is on 0.2.31?
My apologies! I was on 0.2.31, yet my girlfriend was still on 0.2.30 but was able to join my LAN game. She's updated now and the issue is indeed resolved.
The issue seems to be fixed on 0.2.31, so I will close the issue here.
Issue is not fixed on 0.2.31, still happening every time the keybind is pressed.