[BUG] Picking up Phylactery causes you to be locked into walking animation.
darkspyro92 opened this issue · 4 comments
Modpack Version
Minecraft Version
Describe the crash or bug
After picking up my phylactery with Shift + R Click using that pick up mod, I'm stuck moving at the speed and FOV when you're moving items and can't pick up anything else. Dying and relogging do nothing.
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
Pick up phylactery and try to move. Not sure if having souls matters.
Expected behavior
Upon putting it down your FoV should go back to normal and your moving speed should be normal as well.
Crash log or latest.log.log
use pastebin.com for your log
Additional context
Any additional context?
theres a carry on command. i believe its /carryon clear
Try that
in the mean time, can you tell me what mod of this item is that you are referring to so I can blacklist?
I'm using the command but it's not doing anything. It says Cleared 1 item every time I use it.