[BUG] AE2 Can't shift click items out of the system
gabetronx opened this issue ยท 1 comments
Modpack Version
Minecraft Version
Describe the crash or bug
I recently got myself an Applied Energistics 2 system. However the problem lies within using the system. I can't seem to Shift + Left click items out of the system. Inputting them is just fine, I'm able to input items, stackable and unstackable into the system just fine. Whenever I (GabetronX) try to get items out via shift clicking, it will not give me the item.
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
How can someone replicate this bug/crash?
- Make a basic ME system. Crafting terminal, fluix cables to connect it, energy acceptor, power generation, ME drive with disks, ME controller.
- Input items.
- Shift plus left click to take the items out, like you would if it were a chest.
Expected behavior
What is the expected outcome?
Post screenshots if available
Crash log or latest.log.log
use pastebin.com for your log
Additional context
Any additional context?
Expected behavior:
It acts just like a chest does, giving one stack of the item.
Video detailing the bug