[BUG] Croptopia butter recipe using up cooking pot and food press
Asgarus opened this issue ยท 2 comments
Modpack Version
Minecraft Version
Describe the crash or bug
When crafting butter from the Croptopia mod, the cooking pot and all purpose food press are being used up.
Definitely doesn't make sense.
It happens in the crafting terminal of Tom's Simple Storage Mod as well as the regular 2x2 in the player's inventory.
It's also not mentioned in any change log, so I'm assuming it's unintended behavior.
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
Craft butter (I'm using cooked soy milk buckets)
Expected behavior
The cooking pot and the food press not being used up.
Before crafting
After crafting
Crash log or latest.log.log
no crash
Additional context
It didn't happen before, but I'm not sure which update caused it. Must be either 1.5 or 1.4, because I crafted butter before in larger quantities.
Same thing in the crafting station, so I guess it doesn't have to do with where you craft it.