Antimatter Chemistry

Antimatter Chemistry


[1.2.12] Task Screen not accepting fluids

mtimyself opened this issue ยท 3 comments


I can set a task on the Task Screen but when trying to right click it with a bucket nothing happens and there is an error in the server log for each right click.


Strange, let me know if you still experience this in 1.2.13


chatted on discord too. I can reproduce on a server on 1.12 and 1.13. It works in single player mode for me. I did find as a work around on the server you can go into the quest book, click the Lots o' Wadder quest, and click the water under tasks to submit as a work around. I did try fluidducts as a test and the do not attach to the screen.


Hopefully should be fixed in 1.2.14 - As long as you either craft a new screen or use the new ones awarded in chp 1. Please re-open/create a new issue if there are still problems