Create: Above and Beyond

Create: Above and Beyond


{Bug/Exploit} Hose Pulley Creating Infinite Liquids with a Fluid Cell

moospuh opened this issue ยท 0 comments


1: Attach a hose pulley to a fluid cell with the at least 2 buckets of the liquid you wish to duplicate. Make sure there is no pipes in between.
2: Lower the pulley into the pit you wish to duplicate the Liquids in
3: Open up the Fluid Cell gui, Max out the Insert and Extract and ensure Auto Extract is Enabled on the side connecting to the hose pully
4: Hose pulley will glitch out, filling the pit with the liquid inside while only taking 1 bucket worth of the liquid inside of the fluid cell, creating infinite liquid

Can be used with any liquid that can be placed in the world, such as molten metals and alloys, slimes, and so on. easily game breaking and needs to be fixed please

This is on version 1.3