Create: Above and Beyond

Create: Above and Beyond


create:Sail_Frame to create:White_Sail not working

SangreAngel opened this issue ยท 2 comments


I found create sail frames in the generated create structures. Wanted to craft them back into white sail versions but unable to. JEI does not have a recipe for it and upon trying the default ways I dug through the .jar. The recipe is in the .jar but it does not work in game.



This is on version C:A&B v1.3 on MC 1.16.5 which is current version on CurseForge as of right now


This modpack has an override of the original recipe of sails:

function trickierWindmills(event) {
event.remove({ output: 'create:sail_frame' })
event.remove({ output: 'create:white_sail' })
event.shapeless('create:sail_frame', ['create:white_sail'])
event.shaped('2x create:white_sail', [
], {
A: '#appliedenergistics2:wool',
N: 'minecraft:iron_nugget',
S: 'minecraft:stick'

  • Line 1270 removes all recipes creating create:sail_frame
  • Line 1270 removes all recipes creating create:white_sail
  • Line 1272 add a new shapeless recipe to create the frame from a white sail
  • And then the rest of them are adding a new recipe using wool, iron and sticks

You can add back a recipe with a code change like this:

diff --git a/kubejs/server_scripts/recipes.js b/kubejs/server_scripts/recipes.js
index a347535..5af2211 100644
--- a/kubejs/server_scripts/recipes.js
+++ b/kubejs/server_scripts/recipes.js
@@ -1291,6 +1291,12 @@ function trickierWindmills(event) {
                N: 'minecraft:iron_nugget',
                S: 'minecraft:stick'

+       event.shaped('create:white_sail', [
+               'FW'
+       ], {
+               F: 'create:sail_frame',
+               W: '#appliedenergistics2:wool'
+       })

 function rubberMatters(event) {