Divine Journey 2

Divine Journey 2


Draconic Cores Balancing

NickZumb opened this issue ยท 8 comments


Modpack version:
Beta 0.1

Describe the request:
Draconic cores take a while to craft. My first test made about 1 core every 6 minutes, though this could definitely be made a lot faster. This will be me explaining the main bottlenecks and how they could be changed

Bottlenecks and Possible Balances
Primary Bottleneck (Must Change):
Arboreal Essence
These take a minimum of 10 seconds on the pyre, and each core takes about 10 of them. Limiting the cores to 1 every 100 seconds. I think the Orbis Terrae should halve the arboreal essence required, and if possible the pyre should be sped up.

Secondary Bottlenecks (Possible Change):
All the Blood Magic Alchemy Table crafting
Each core takes about 110 simple catalysts which are then processed in many ways. The "core" catalysts (simple, strengthened, concentrated, Intensive) may want to only require 1 of the previous tiers. Some of the longer alchemy table crafts may want their time reduced.

How to Remove the Bottlenecks
Arboreal Essence.
Either Multi-threading Pyres or making a Pyre array. Both would involve the player having to copy the same design multiple times.

Blood Magic Alchemy Table Crafting
About 30-40 Alchemy Tables. 1 for every recipe + ~8,4,2,1 for the core catalysts. I think this might be a little insane but definitely not too bad

Additional context:
I think a fully optimized setup could expect about 1 core every 2 minutes, though that's a pretty random guess. I think the arboreal essence and thermal conductor rods are harder to work around then the blood magic alchemy table crafting. I used emc values to generate the base resources.
I'm open to any feedback on this.


I'm curious what rate for draconic cores you think my be reasonable


I don't have the game open right now. Is this factoring in that that the Thermal Conductor Rods have 800 durability?


They have 800 durability?... I though it was 1 per 2 gp powder. If I can use it 800 times, then it shouldn't be an issue. I was using each once. I'm going to go see thousands of 799 durability thermal conductor rods


So when the me system autocrafts the rf powder it uses the whole thermal conductor rod. Should probably put a warning on the tooltip / fix it (If thats possible). I'm going to put the recipe in a rftools crafter


I removed the termal condutor rod part

  • Arboreal Essence now crafts 5x as much.
  • Reduced the LP cost of all Bloog Magic Catalysts, and now they take way less time to make.
  • Virtus now uses Crystalline Pink Slime and Fluxed Electrum Ingots instead of Empowered Diamatine and Palis, so that should craft faster as well.
  • Also added a tooltip for the Thermal Conductor Rod that it has 800 durability, and that AE2 tends to consume it.

Do you think this is sufficient?


Void Reagents now only take 1 Empowered Void Crystal instead of 2 (but also a piece of Enderium Ingot). Nonetheless, it should be a bit faster now.

I think the speed is close to good now, we'll see if any more balance changes need to be made in the futute.


This brings it down to ~ 1 core/minute. If you still want to bring down the crafting time the next bottleneck is dark cores, specifically the empowered void crystals for void reagents and tenebrae still having a long (8 seconds) crafting time