Conjure Demon Requires a Player to be Within the Ritual Circle to Start
NickZumb opened this issue ยท 5 comments
Modpack version:
0.1 Beta
This may be an issue, but I'm not 100% sure.
The Conjure Demon bewitchment ritual tends to not start when a player isn't very close to it. It wouldn't start when I was ~60 blocks away (ritual still in render distance). The ritual items would be places correctly and villager would be killed, but the ritual wouldn't start. edit: It appears that the ritual requires a player within the ritual circle to start
Steps to reproduce:
- Set up an automatic conjure demon setup (A little easier said then done)
- Move about ~60 blocks away (outside the circle)
- The villager will be killed.
- The ritual won't start
Expected behavior:
The ritual starts, summoning a demon.
Additional context:
This may be an issue with my setup and I'm unsure how to test it
It should still start. The Ritual checks if there is enough Altar power, and if the required items are present. Are you sure some part of your setup wasn't unloaded?
I might just add some sort of Demon Heart duplication recipe if this is the case. I'm thinking: The player needs to collect like 10 Demon Hearts on their own, and then maybe 10 Demon Hearts + some materials will craft into 20 Demon Hearts.
Added the duplication recipe.
I'll leave this open until we can figure out for sure whether the player needs to be close to the Ritual to work or not.
I did some more testing and moved my altar closer. The entirety of my setup was loaded. The ritual had altar power all the correct items and I saw the villager die, but the ritual did not start. I would like someone else to test this in case it is an issue with my setup, but it appears that this is an issue. It looks like the ritual requires a player inside the ritual circle for it to start