Switch Extended Crafting to updated fork
ALongStringOfNumbers opened this issue ยท 4 comments
Modpack version:
Imported from Github from the 02d0e7c
Describe the request:
Hello, I noticed that you had included Extended Crafting in your modpack and wanted to make a recommendation to switch to the fork of Extended Crafting (Located here: Curseforge, GitHub) as this fork fixes a couple issues present in the 1.12.2 version of Extended Crafting, such as a dupe bug with the automation interface and some issues with Crafttweaker support, since Extended Crafting is no longer being updated for 1.12.2. As a disclaimer, I do work on this fork.
Reasons why this should be added:
This fork fixes an existing dupe bug with the Automation Interface, is more precise with NBT in crafttweaker recipes in the crafting tables, and fixes a slight issue where the quantum compressor could get stuck when shift clicking items in.
Describe alternatives you've considered:
The alternative here would simply not be replacing Extended Crafting with its forked version.
Additional context:
Please let me know if you have any questions about the fork.
Its literally a mod on curseforge https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/extended-crafting-omnifactory-edition
This might not be possible because CurseForge doesn't accept every fork of every mod in a modpack. There is a list of forked mods that are not on CurseForge that are still allowed in modpacks (Like AE2 Trouser's Edition) but this fork might not be on that list.
I have switched to the OmniFactory version in 2.1.0.