Defaulquest.json 10029 - 20000 lines typos
Bosfik opened this issue ยท 0 comments
"Line - typo"
Sorry, but it's impossible not to publish duplicates.
10158 - on of the top -> on the top
10305 - are recommended?
10776 - circles -> circle
11114S - stich - stitch
11607 - your -> you
11740S - jelous -> jealous
11870 - are we -> don't we
12197 - lookup -> look up
12390 - dragons' -> dragon's
12590 - way -> is?
12847 - it this -> it
13087 - place it input -> place input
13757 - home made -> homemade
14021 - it's the same meaning but maybe functionality -> function?
14520 - Permuatatio -> Permutatio
14730 - maybe just pump?
14730 - do not to this -> do not do this
15840 - what does the second last sentence mean? Maybe you'll face? Maybe your face? Idk
16329 - reliable -> reliably
16418 - the methods a the same -> the methods are the same
16762 - soliders -> soldiers(not sure, maybe it's correct)
17277 - start -> starts
17278 - use it smelt -> use it to smelt
17652 - stong -> strong
18193 - of -> or(in brackets)
18830 - Helosis -> Heliosis
18905 - an -> and
19132 - wizards -> wizard's
19199 - same ^