Divine Journey 2

Divine Journey 2


Vanilla Ender Chest doesn't accept Itemducts & Logistical Pipes

EagleHamlet opened this issue · 3 comments


Modpack version:

The vanilla ender chest doesn't accept the logistical item pipes from Mekanism & Itemducts. I haven't tried any other pipes.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Put vanilla ender chest down
  2. Try to connect any pipes
  3. Nothing happens

Expected behavior:
They should connect


Additional context:


Vanilla Ender chest isn’t supposed to be automatable.


Not only is this intended by the mod, there is no realistic way for a mod to do this.


As a further explanation to the ticket author, the issue is how does the pipe know WHOSE ender chest to pull items out of?

I disagree with WaitingIdly in that a mod author could implement this by saving the user that placed down a pipe with the pipe, and when a pipe is next to an ender chest, the pull items from the owning player's ender chest inventory. However, this is abusable because player 2 could put an ender chest next to a pipe that player 1 owns, then route that pipe to a regular chest, and then that would allow player 2 to steal items from player 1's ender chest inventory, which breaks the purpose of the ender chest inventory being safe from other players.