Divine Journey 2

Divine Journey 2


Chiseled Ender IO Invisible Block unchiselable

Command-Crafter opened this issue ยท 11 comments


Modpack version:

After using a Chisels and Bits Chisel on an Ender IO Invisible Block, it is not possible to further chisel the block when in Survival Mode. This Issue doesnt appear when in Creative Mode.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Get into a Survival World
  2. Place an Ender IO Invisible Block
  3. Chisel the Block using a Chisels and Bits Chisel
  4. Further chiseling is impossible

Expected behavior:
Being able to further chisel an already chiseled Invisible Block

Additional context:
I tried the exact same setup on a clean instance with only ender io and chisels and bits, and the issue didnt appear.

Adding this to 'config/tool_progression/tool_overwrites.cfg' fixes the issue, so it seems to have something to do with mining level.


I don't want to turn the Diamond Chisel into a powerful Pickaxe, there is a reason some of the later game Pickaxes have a higher mining level.

Can you list more (or all) blocks this is happening to?


The Chisel cannot function as a pickaxe, you can't mine blocks with it, you can only relocate them.

Edit: It seems i was mistaken, there is a feature to craft a full block from bits using a full positive design, however inside the c&b config there is an option to disable this feature (line 16)

Aside from this feature there is no way to turn bits into the original block other than placing all bits to form the original block. And to get the block into your inventory you still have to use the appropriate pickaxe.


In version 2.3.1, the same bug is occurring with multiple block types, not just Ender IO Invisible blocks. I followed the steps to reproduce using blocks from other mods as well as minecraft blocks (not invisible) and was unable to continue to chisel after chisels once with the chisel.


It's probably a weird bug that increases the block hardness after chiseling, since increasing the chisel mining level fixes it.


I don't want to turn the Diamond Chisel into a powerful Pickaxe, there is a reason some of the later game Pickaxes have a higher mining level.

I don't really see how the chisel would be a powerful pickaxe. You would have to have your inventory full of bit bags to make it even worth going mining with it. And even if you don't want people to use it before having a high minig level. Disable all the other chisels and make the diamond one require something that can only be aquired if you already have a pickaxe with Mining Level: Cobalt. (For example make the Diamond Chisel require a Cobalt Ingot instead of a Diamond. Or both)
And the Powerstone can't be chiseled anyway. And just to make the Abyssalnomicon, you need way too much Ethaxium to make it feasable to "mine" it with a chisel and a ton of bit bags.

If I missed some important blocks that have a higher mining level than Cobalt, please tell me, but I think that if you make the Chisel require something you can only get with Mining Level: Cobalt, you should enable the chiseling. Because it is quite buggy... I can't even chisel basalt or limestone with a diamond chisel.


Even if you can chisel all blocks, the only thing you can do is rebuild them in world, as bits are not processible, so the gating with pickaxes is still valid.

Also builder, DM etc all bypass this anyways


Command Crafter said in their message that it is possible to get back a block from bits. Even though I have not heard of this feature before...


turning off full block crafting in the config disables that and instead gives a chiseled block that only reverts to normal once placed down
2021-10-13_17 50 10
2021-10-13_17 54 35


using a positive pattern for the full block and a bit bag in the crafting window allows you to craft a full block out of bits2021-10-13_17 46 23


I didn't know you could make blueprints out of full blocks either ^^
But still, I'm sticking to my point that using chisels to mine Ethaxium is not worth it just because of how much you need and how little space there is, even if you have a full inventory of bit bags. And if fullBlockCrafting is disabled, there is nothing to worry about because you can't get the blocks by crafting.


Fixed in 2.14.0. Better late than never!