RFTools Builder does not Void Underground Biomes Stone
GIn-German opened this issue ยท 1 comments
Modpack version:
When setting up a Quarry to mine areas the builder mines Underground Biomes' Stone Variations despite the OreDict detection being turned on (and Stone selected in the Shape Card UI within the Builder itself).
Steps to reproduce:
- Set up an area to Quarry for the Builder with a Quarry Shape card (used in my case: Silk Touch Quarry)
- Put the Shape card into the Builder and click on the ? next to it to open the UI to show shapes. Select "Void Stone" and enable the "Use OreDict variations" with the checkbox to the right
- The Builder Quarries as expected, but Underground Biomes' Stones get added to the Chest on top of the Builder despite being set to be voided (Rhyolite piled up in my case specifically).
Expected behavior:
Rhyolite and all other Underground Biomes blocks should be voided as instructed (including their Cobbled versions as Cobblestones can also be voided with this function)
Above Pictured: The UI to show/select shapes and the Blocks to Void. As shown, OreDict was activated for this.
Additional context:
Trying with other settings (OreDict off, Block unmarked for Voiding) had no impact on it. It seems the RFTools Builder/System does not quite "get" the OreDict of Underground Biomes' blocks.
It appears that the Quarry Shape Card CAN be modified to Void Stone and all other blocks, but only when Shift-Right-Clicking with the Card in hand. This re-opens this UI, yet in the above case the card itself showed all options unmarked while the UI in the Builder itself did.
Could be possible that the configuration within the Builder is broken or not intended to work this way (only allow displaying current settings etc.).
Consider this ticket solved for my case, unless the issue with the configuration inside the Builder is still considered a bug.