Absence of QOL in building(better building wands recipes)
InfernalGrumbler opened this issue ยท 11 comments
Modpack version:
2.4.0(not in 2.5.0 either)
Describe the request:
The recipe for any sort of builders wand is too gated for being just qol, so change it. For example, the stone builders wand is gated until chapter 9 in which it has low durability(131) AND requires diamonds just to craft.
Reasons why this should be changed:
For example, the stone builders wand is gated until chapter 9 in which it has low durability and requires diamonds(like an 8th of one for gp powder). This is a basic feature, a qol, in most packs that is heavily absent in this one.
Describe alternatives you've considered:
-make the builders wands from better builders wands ALL unbreakable(the range on say a stone builder wand is already garbage so I believe this to be fair) replace the current wand from xu2 in the crafting tier with the creative one as well.
I am not quite sure if this will pass, probably won't, but I am still open to discourse with the devs as to why the wands are like this.
is there anything in specifics as to why hes against it? since ik the point of the pack is to be hard but building a large area to house automation is pretty integral like id say late early game and mid game onward
idk. I've just noticed that most things building related seem to be declined
o like did he decline the building gadgets request? kinda wack lol. we dont even have projectors for IE multiblocks so its a pain to place everything. on god spent like 30 minutes building the excavator
But the reason that there are no projectors for the multiblocks is because that is a feature of Immersive Petroleum which is not in the pack (sadly because it adds an oil pump that mines oil the way an Excavator mines ores).
I don't think there is a substitute. And after you have built them a few times you kinda have them down. And honestly, it is not that bad. But I don't get the builders wands either...
Absolutely agree on this. I don't know any way building wands can give advantage in progression other than just making your base look nicer, so such gating seems unnecessary, unless there are reasons we don't know.
They're against building QoL... but then add OreExcavation to the pack for some reason?????
(I mean hey, at least you get some exchangers over in the last third of the pack.)
Made all the Wands cheaper, moved them to earlier chapters, and increased their durability by a lot in 2.6.0: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/divine-journey-2/files/3480373
- They're now available in Chapter 1/4/9/11/14 (instead of 9/11/13/17/18).
- Also moved the Destruction Wand to Chapter 9.
- Moved the ExtraUtils Wand quests to Chapter 9.
- Created a new quest in Chapter 13 for the Unbreakable Wand.
- Increased the durability of all (non-unbrakable) Better Builder's Wands: Stone: 130 -> 1000, Iron: 250 - > 3000, Diamond: 1561 -> 8000.
I'm going to close this now. If this isn't satisfactory, feel free to reopen it.