Brood mother balancing
antrobot1234 opened this issue ยท 2 comments
Modpack version:
Describe the request:
I feel like slogging through the erebus to find the erebus to be the least enjoyable experience in this pack so far. In some shape or fashion, this should be remedied.
Reasons why this should be changed:
- Brood mothers only spawn within one very specific biome of the erebus.
- Brood mothers only spawn vary rarely within said biome
- Unlike pyramids, the game gives you no clear indicator if you are near a brood mother nest.
Describe alternatives you've considered:
here are some ways that could be done to fix this
- make brood mother hives MUCH more common. this would fix the issue of finding them but is the dirtiest solution.
- make the brood mother optional. There is no real inscentive to fight the brood mother besides her egg, so removing the requirement of the fight (in place of some other requirement) would alleviate the struggle in finding her
- make the egg craftable. similar to the second suggestion, but just give a recipe (expensive if desired) to craft the brood mother egg (similar to the lamp from twilight forest).
I second this suggestion.
I myself is struggling to find the Brood Mother.
I have spent more than 20hrs (I know for others this seems few to nothing exploration time period pertaining to same biome) just specifically to find that boss but had no luck. During that time I found more than 6 Antilion Pyramids out of 13 Volcanic desert biomes and only 2 Ulterior Outback biomes....which is kinda low compared to previous one. I have gathered as much as resources during that exploration to make not one but at least 4 Crown of Skies from fresh items (obviously can't do it without Tarantula Egg), which clearly means my progression is completely halted by just that one boss.
Unfortunately, right now I can't do anything except looking for the Brood Mother by spending even more and more hours in it :(
I third this suggestion.
It's unbalanced how everything in Erebus feels smooth except the stupid spider queen. I found myself cheating the egg after 5 hours of exploration using a roots Staff with Sky spell, with modifiers for extended travel. I wish I had time to explore instead of cheating the egg but as a public servant I don't have that much time to go around exploring for an egg as much as it took me to finish chapter 3 and 4