Breaking Immersive Engineering excavators gives IE steel, not TF steel
Xynariz opened this issue ยท 3 comments
Modpack version:
When disassembling a previously completed IE excavator multiblock structure, the steel blocks I got back were from Immersive Engineering. I cannot find a way to convert these back into "normal" (i.e. Thermal Foundation) steel.
Steps to reproduce:
- Launch Divine Journey 2.6.0, and open (or create) a world.
- Give yourself (or legitimately obtain) the blocks needed to build an IE Excavator.
- Build an IE Excavator, and use the engineer's hammer to assemble the multiblock structure. Specifically, make sure that you build the bucket part of the excavator.
- After the multiblock structure generates correctly, use a pickaxe to break the multiblock back into its components.
- Observe that your inventory contains the same blocks as in step 2, except that you have IE steel instead of TF steel.
Expected behavior:
When breaking the excavator, the steel mined gives Thermal Foundation steel, or there is a way to turn IE steel into TF steel (such as melting in a Tinker's Construct smeltery, or using Storage Drawer conversion upgrades).
I'm pretty sure you can chisel the IE steel block to turn it back to the thermal one