Remove unnecessary quest prerequisites
1234abcdcba4321 opened this issue ยท 8 comments
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Describe the request:
Change the following quest prerequisites (and/or quest requirements):
(I'm doing this without the game open, so I don't have specific quest numbers, but I can write them down next time I open the game if needed.)
Chapter 4 - Steel shouldn't require coke oven. You can make steel using 4 pieces of charcoal instead, which if the player only wants one piece of steel to be able to light their pyre or go to the nether, they should be able to. You also shouldn't need a bucket of ethanol or plant oil before the biodiesel generator quest, as that forces getting the machines running before trying to plan out where to place the machines.
Chapter 6 - The meteorite compass isn't actually required. People will probably make one anyways, but I don't think it's needed. The prereq for the two inscriber press quests should be unlocking atum, with the compass strongly recommended in the description of the quest.
Chapter 12 - The thrusters don't require the previous jetpack tier to have been crafted, but they're needed for the quest. This is only relevant for the powered spawner (one of the items that is much more important than a tier 2 jetpack). I can't think of a good alternative, except just not having the thruster quests and moving the spawner to just be unlocked from elevatium. (On singleplayer, this is even more relevant as there's really not much reason to make two jetpacks, unless you want a flugal tiara.)
Chapter 22 (Vethea) - Tinker's tools aren't actually super necessary. A skilled player can actually make it through without making them. However, the tools to make them are still required for quest completion, and they shouldn't be. (This includes the tool forge in the smeltery quest). Also, you can wait on mushrooms until the end, but the quest book expects you to make them before a smeltery. (This matters in the event that you want to get some stuff smelting while exploring, and you haven't found the wood types needed yet). Also, you can still use charcoal rather than coal coke to avoid using a coke oven (unless you can't, since I haven't tried), which is viable if someone decides gathering the 48 wood needed for the steel (plus a quest reward) to escape is easier and/or more fun than veinmining the resources needed for a coke oven.
Chapter 24 - The Dungeon Locator is optional. Sure it's useful, but it shouldn't be placed directly as a required quest. What if I want to spend a bit of extra time trying to find the dungeon?
Chapter 25 - There are very few quests that are actually absolutely needed for progress. Image by niklas showing the only required items. Orange circles show the quests that are needed by quest prereqs (not shown: t5 seeds). Looking at these, the following changes should be made: crystaltine to require laser focus, wyvern core to require draconic core (with an extra note that apalachia dungeons are a good source of netherstar blocks), packagedauto only requiring awakened draconium, awakened fusion/quantum compression requiring just awakened cores (or otherwise making the egg quest not require the seeds), and chaos shards requiring... something else that isn't an annoyingly expensive piece of armor, since my team killed the chaos dragon in Chapter 23. I suggest the laser focus or awakened fusion quests for simplicity (since it's not like you can really use the shards until then anyway).
Reasons why this should be changed:
There are many quests that are required for something despite them not actually being necessary for the next quest.
It sucks to want to make an item, but you see that it has a lot of extra quests you have to do to claim the quest credit for that item. Instead, the quests shouldn't have those extra prereqs.
Describe alternatives you've considered:
Additional context:
I haven't progressed past chapter 25 yet, but I'm sure there'll be more things that have nonsensical requirements.
Some of these changes might be significant enough that the quest reward should be lowered.
The most important of these are the powered spawner (ch12) (since the powered spawner is much more useful than one jetpack, let alone two) and mob grinder (ch25) (since you only need 4 netherstars to get access to tier 5 seeds, which is what you're going to spend your first 16 draconic cores on).
The pictures were not completely right, I made them when we were not as far into chapter 25 quest-wise (we did have wyvern cores and crystaltine ingots at that point already, without making the green crafting table yet)
So I hope i got it right now:
Blue has required new Items for progression through ch. 25, green are collection quests for stuff you can already get, which are made easier by previous quest's requirements
Orange is quest gating, violet is quest items you need in orange or other violet quests
So to come back to the original issue:
- No, I would like Steel to require the Coke Oven. The Coke Oven is much more efficient, and Coal Coke is very useful anyway.
- No, I would like Plant Oil & Ethanol before the Refinery. It's quite clear and natural progression. Also it's not at all difficult to tear down the multiblocks and move them elsewhere and/or look up the Refinery's layout earlier.
- The Meteorite Compass is very very useful.
- Changed the Thruster quests so they require Elevatium instead of Jetpacks.
- Tinkers' Tools are no longer necessary for Vethea completion.
- The Dungeon Locator in Chapter 24 is no longer required for the Moon quest.
- I removed the Nether Star Block from Apalachia, and I really encourage to make a Wither farm, so I kept that requirement.
- Crystaltine Ingots now only require the Laser Focus.
- Packaged Auto now only requires Awakened Draconium.
- Chaos Shards now only require Draconic Infusion.
- I still want to keep Dragon Egg Seeds as requirements, because they're absolutely required to beat the pack. You definitely don't want to defeat 100 thousand Dragons.
All of the changes are in 2.8.0: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/divine-journey-2/files/3493170
If you feel like you can convince me on the ones I didn't change, feel free to reopen the issue.