Fully Automatically Dealing with Flux Probably Impossible
NickZumb opened this issue ยท 5 comments
Modpack version:
Beta 0.1
Describe the request:
Make fully automatic flux removal easier. This should be done by making the flux condenser setup automatable by making essentia filters automatable
Reasons why this should be added:
To my knowledge there is no way to fully automatically deal with flux
Describe alternatives you've considered: / solutions
1: Make an automatable recipe for essentia filter, these can be used to "unclog" flux condenser lattices which will eventually clog preventing the flux condenser from functioning.
2. Make a modular machine multiblock for arcane crafting. This would make most of thaumcraft automatable, as it currently stands you will still need to craft a lot with the arcane crafting table (Essentia tubes -> Essentia valves -> alchemical constructs -> Thaumium essentia smeltery -> witches' oven -> most bewitchment "machines")
Additional context:
Flux condensers are currently not fully automatable. The Lattice will "clog" requiring a essentia filter to clean
There may be another way of fully automatically dealing with flux that I am unaware of as I am not super familiar with late game thaumcraft and thaumic augmentation.
You can semi-automate flux condensers by putting essentia filters in mechancial users
Personally I think solution 2 would be the best, but it is possible to semi-automate flux condensers
After setting up Thaumic augmentation's stabilizing node process I realized It doesn't actually absorb flux. This made me believe that you could fully automate flux removal once reaching thaumic augmentation.
I changed it so Essentia Filters now craft 3 at a time, and can be made (and automated) in the crafting table where they craft 2 at a time. Also added a note in the quest book to clean the Flux Condenser Lattice when it clogs up. Do you think this solves this issue?
Link to commit: 6ddbffb
Making Essentia Filters automatable allows flux removal to be fully automatic. Flux Condensers are still really slow and locked till after Bewitchment
It's not possible to speed up Flux Condensers (it's not a config option). Instead I'm reducing the cost of items involved in the Flux Condenser setup, and moving them into Chapter 19.