Divine Journey 2

Divine Journey 2


Add alternate recipes (or change existing ones) for the Alchemy table & Hellfire forge to not include unstackable items.

IntoxicatedPlatypus opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Modpack version:

Reasons why this should be changed:

Better late-game automation, being able to only craft 1 at a time greatly slows down tick-accelerated crafting. Easier automation, as pulling buckets out isn't needed.

Recipe list & suggestions

Item name (Unstackable Ingredient)

  • Replacement Suggestion <Notes> Reasoning

Aquasalus, Water Reagent (Water Bucket)

  • Endervoir or Unending Bowl <Gates automation behind Runic Crafter (which I think should be moved earlier, #373)> C
  • Aquatic Pellets/Ingots <Needs a recipe for pellets, could also work for the scarab piece> A
  • Sky flowers <Gates automation behind Skythern> P

Offensa (The Ender)

  • Rudimentary Snare <Might need cheapening the droplet LP cost, not necessary though> R
  • Arrows of Harming N
  • TiC Sword Blades, other TiC parts <Any craftable in the smeltery, as the part table isn't automatable> N
  • Stackable CraftingTweaker weapons <Gives a good weapon for that stage of the game> C
  • Shurikens, Vile Storm <The weapons themselves are rather weak, but could be buffed> C

Incendium, Lava Reagent (Lava Bucket)

  • Bluefire Stone <Would need some way to automate the DRPG bosses> R
  • Superheating element R
  • Solid Lava CR
  • Gneiss A
  • Arrow of Greek Fire N

Damage Reagent (Dreadium Equipment)
I think having a Dreadium requirement is good as is, but there aren't many items that fit both the theme and the dreadium requirement.

  • Dreadium Katana Blade <Honestly the only item that fits the description> PCR
  • Block of Abyssalnite, Crystallized Abyssalnite <Fits the dreadium part, not damage related though>
  • TiC Dreadium Parts <See description under Offensa> CN
  • Other items mentioned under Offensa

Strength Reagent (Power Glove)

  • Bowl of Promises R
  • TiC Osmiridium Parts <Devil's Strength trait has a fitting name> CN
  • Stingberries <I'm not 100% sure if they're easily automatable, and they would also require a recipe for the bush, since it's rather rare due to BetterNether> N

Void Reagent (Void Bucket)

  • Brew of the Void <Gates automation behind Bewitchment> PR
  • Void Metal <Rather expensive before seeds, gated behind 2nd part of TC. Might also use Void Metal Nuggets> PR
  • Void Upgrade (Drawers) C
  • Void Stone <Same gating as Void Metal, and not fully automatable, but cheaper> P
  • Dew of the Void related CT item R

Air Reagent (Pressurized Air Tank)

  • Ender Air Bottle <Automatable, but only in the End. Might need an alternate recipe for MP servers. Could also reuse the Tender Ender Blender for P> N
  • Chemthrower turret <Even uses the Air Tank, also has a cool name> N

Supression Reagent (Dew of the Void / Vapor of Levity Buckets)
I also like the idea of using the EnderIO liquids, since they aren't used for much (Sunny Quartz and Crop Sticks are the only other ones I believe). Note that of Dew of The void was removed, it'd lose R under the Void Reagent section.

  • Florbs of the respective fluid <They could technically be used for water/lava buckets, but I feel like they're way better for more 'obscure' fluids, and the 2 vanilla ones have plenty of alternatives already> R
    Beside that there aren't really any items that'd fit under 'supression', even the current recipe has rather random items. A different set of random unstackable items would work just as well.

Tempest, Potent, Strength, Haste Reagents (IV Potions)
Don't have any potion-specific replacements. Florbs can't be made out of these potions, and arrows need a lingering variant, which isn't possible to uprgade to IV.

  • A CT recipe for the tipped arrows, using the IV potions.
  • Arrows from II potions

Reasoning for suggestions

P: Gating better automation behind progression, can incentivise people to remake or properly set up their automation after reaching a certain point.
C: Recipe uses a commonly used item, gives the double-bonus of having them always on hand when passivised. Weapons might need extra buffs to fit under this category.
R: Recipe uses a previously item, rewarding having already set up automation for that. Recipe uses an item that will be used in later chapters.
A: Requires adding a new automatable recipe, which could be set up earlier to help with other progression-related gates.
N: Uses different mechanics not used in DJ2 yet.


While you cannot upgrade Lingering Potions to IV, you can make lingering potions out of IV potions in the vanilla brewing stand, which can be automated