Add alternate recipes (or change existing ones) for the Alchemy table & Hellfire forge to not include unstackable items.
IntoxicatedPlatypus opened this issue ยท 1 comments
Modpack version:
Reasons why this should be changed:
Better late-game automation, being able to only craft 1 at a time greatly slows down tick-accelerated crafting. Easier automation, as pulling buckets out isn't needed.
Recipe list & suggestions
Item name (Unstackable Ingredient)
- Replacement Suggestion <Notes> Reasoning
Aquasalus, Water Reagent (Water Bucket)
- Endervoir or Unending Bowl <Gates automation behind Runic Crafter (which I think should be moved earlier, #373)> C
- Aquatic Pellets/Ingots <Needs a recipe for pellets, could also work for the scarab piece> A
- Sky flowers <Gates automation behind Skythern> P
Offensa (The Ender)
- Rudimentary Snare <Might need cheapening the droplet LP cost, not necessary though> R
- Arrows of Harming N
- TiC Sword Blades, other TiC parts <Any craftable in the smeltery, as the part table isn't automatable> N
- Stackable CraftingTweaker weapons <Gives a good weapon for that stage of the game> C
- Shurikens, Vile Storm <The weapons themselves are rather weak, but could be buffed> C
Incendium, Lava Reagent (Lava Bucket)
- Bluefire Stone <Would need some way to automate the DRPG bosses> R
- Superheating element R
- Solid Lava CR
- Gneiss A
- Arrow of Greek Fire N
Damage Reagent (Dreadium Equipment)
I think having a Dreadium requirement is good as is, but there aren't many items that fit both the theme and the dreadium requirement.
- Dreadium Katana Blade <Honestly the only item that fits the description> PCR
- Block of Abyssalnite, Crystallized Abyssalnite <Fits the dreadium part, not damage related though>
- TiC Dreadium Parts <See description under Offensa> CN
- Other items mentioned under Offensa
Strength Reagent (Power Glove)
- Bowl of Promises R
- TiC Osmiridium Parts <Devil's Strength trait has a fitting name> CN
- Stingberries <I'm not 100% sure if they're easily automatable, and they would also require a recipe for the bush, since it's rather rare due to BetterNether> N
Void Reagent (Void Bucket)
- Brew of the Void <Gates automation behind Bewitchment> PR
- Void Metal <Rather expensive before seeds, gated behind 2nd part of TC. Might also use Void Metal Nuggets> PR
- Void Upgrade (Drawers) C
- Void Stone <Same gating as Void Metal, and not fully automatable, but cheaper> P
- Dew of the Void related CT item R
Air Reagent (Pressurized Air Tank)
- Ender Air Bottle <Automatable, but only in the End. Might need an alternate recipe for MP servers. Could also reuse the Tender Ender Blender for P> N
- Chemthrower turret <Even uses the Air Tank, also has a cool name> N
Supression Reagent (Dew of the Void / Vapor of Levity Buckets)
I also like the idea of using the EnderIO liquids, since they aren't used for much (Sunny Quartz and Crop Sticks are the only other ones I believe). Note that of Dew of The void was removed, it'd lose R under the Void Reagent section.
- Florbs of the respective fluid <They could technically be used for water/lava buckets, but I feel like they're way better for more 'obscure' fluids, and the 2 vanilla ones have plenty of alternatives already> R
Beside that there aren't really any items that'd fit under 'supression', even the current recipe has rather random items. A different set of random unstackable items would work just as well.
Tempest, Potent, Strength, Haste Reagents (IV Potions)
Don't have any potion-specific replacements. Florbs can't be made out of these potions, and arrows need a lingering variant, which isn't possible to uprgade to IV.
- A CT recipe for the tipped arrows, using the IV potions.
- Arrows from II potions
Reasoning for suggestions
P: Gating better automation behind progression, can incentivise people to remake or properly set up their automation after reaching a certain point.
C: Recipe uses a commonly used item, gives the double-bonus of having them always on hand when passivised. Weapons might need extra buffs to fit under this category.
R: Recipe uses a previously item, rewarding having already set up automation for that. Recipe uses an item that will be used in later chapters.
A: Requires adding a new automatable recipe, which could be set up earlier to help with other progression-related gates.
N: Uses different mechanics not used in DJ2 yet.