Endervoir recipe leaves behind a bucket in the Input hatch, can't get it out.
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Modpack version:
0.3 maybe (latest)
When you craft an Endervoir in the Modular Fey Crafter it uses the water and leaves behind an empty bucket in the input hatch.
I cannot extract it out of there.
I tried Item ducts, Hopper, Integrated dynamics, AE2, and an Item conduit. Nothing worked.
Steps to reproduce:
- Make Modular Fey Crafter.
- Input items for an Endervoir.
- Bucket in input hatch
Expected behavior:
Well I would've liked to output the bucket from there.
Additional context:
Make the recipe eat the water bucket and output an empty bucket with the endervoir.
I couldn't find a way to not have the Bucket left behind, I don't think Modular Machinery supports this (https://github.com/HellFirePvP/ModularMachinery/wiki).
Instead I changed the Water Bucket to a Water Bottle, tested it, and the Bottle gets consumed.