Divine Journey 2

Divine Journey 2


Adjust AIM recipes to fit in Normal Item Input Hatch

VeeArr opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Describe the request

At the time the AIM is unlocked, players only have access to the Normal Item Input Hatch (6 slots). There are 7 AIM recipes, all of which use ingredients already available to the player when the AIM is unlocked, which use more than 6 slots in their recipe and thus cannot be crafted in the AIM until the Reinforced Item Input Hatch (9 slots) becomes available in Chapter 25.

  • Voidseer Caster's Gauntlet
  • Impulse Cannon
  • Amulet of Vis
  • Arcane Bore
  • Impetus Thruster Upgrade
  • Voidseer's Pearl
  • Essentia Infusion Provider

Adjust the AIM recipes for these items to only use 6 slots, so that they fit in the Normal Item Input Hatch's 6 slots.

Reasons why this should be changed

While none of these things need to be made in bulk (and practically speaking, most of them are not needed at all), it makes sense for players to be able to craft them through the AIM rather than needing to keep a regular Runic Matrix around for these until Chapter 25.

Describe alternatives you've considered

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