Raw Mouse Input
ZHAY10086 opened this issue · 4 comments
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Reasons why this should be added
It fixes the annoying mouse jittering issue.
Also, prevent unexpected view change when switching windows (with F3 + P
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Your Divine Journey 2 Discord Username
as someone who is experiencing this,%99 of the time rotating mouse is very inconsistent (sometimes it turns 360 degree and sometimes 90 with same movement) this mod fixes that issue
what issue are you talking about. elaborate
Should I repeat the issue again here?
Personally I have never encountered this issue, but I don't doubt it exists.
However it seems whether or not the mod fixes the issue depends on the hardware or mouse driver (see here: seanld03/RawInputMod-1.12.2-1.7.10#2 - it seems in some cases adding the mod made things worse).
However since this mod only changes the inputs of the game, it should just be a client-only mod, so you can feel free to add it to your own mods folder, and still be able to join DJ2 servers.