Enigmatica 2: Expert - Extended

Enigmatica 2: Expert - Extended


Bug in rotorlist.zs script

Thalzamar opened this issue ยท 8 comments


Elektron60 Stator Recipe being bugged/faulty
either replace it with the one i posted or change in there
"elektron","Elektron", 0.80"
"elektron","Elektron60", 0.80"


no clue if it's the list or the recipes script that is outdated
already fixed mercury on a newer version but the fix isnt ingame


Thank you for pointing to bug! I will fix that!


well i made that stuff XD
you can thank random guy(yes he is called that on there) on the NC discord since he found the stuff wrong with my addon
there are also problems in the magnetlist and extractor list , i just packaged them in this zip
thank god i used classes , makes bug fixing really easy when recipes arent working cause i used wrong oredict names


btw. i also made https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/customization/immerisve-nuclear-steam
if you want some nuclearcraft-immersive technology scripts with added moar reactor funtionality compatibility(like heat exchanger recipes) but it also needs a config change for the inventory of the IT heat exchanger to 20000
edit: also needs the high pressure turbine enabled since i add a recipe for NCO high pressure steam which gives roughly the 16rf/mb of normal NC:O turbine


i also made immerisve-nuclear-steam

Yes, i saw that before. But i discovered your code only after i already made my own IE integration with NC:O.

I didn't look deeper into your code and can't say if its better to move to your INS addon. Maybe i could look deeper later.


Im not sure what changes this actually about. I have similar already.

Also, there is an error in your code.


This syntax makes no sense. Since, if there is no nuclearcraft:turbine_dynamo_coil_antitritiumconverter defined, itemUtils.getItem() returns null and script fall anyway, since it cant multiply null * 2.


that one does exist just not as a class one
i added it directly in the convertregistration since all the antimatterstuff dont have classes
i am doing a lot of copy paste of code parts thats why some look pretty weird like the antimatterstuff


i copied pasted it from others thats why i it looks like that
i was just too lazy to do the brackets thing


that one does exist just not as a class one i added it directly in the convertregistration since all the antimatterstuff dont have classes i am doing a lot of copy paste of code parts thats why some look pretty weird like the antimatterstuff

No no, i was talking about exactly this line:

recipes.addShaped("ntp base Converter coil", itemUtils.getItem("nuclearcraft:turbine_dynamo_coil_baseconverter")*2,

You dont need to use itemUtils.getItem because you better to use brackets like <nuclearcraft:turbine_dynamo_coil_baseconverter>.