Enigmatica 2: Expert - Extended

Enigmatica 2: Expert - Extended


typing error

ZZZank opened this issue · 6 comments



There seem to be some typing error in resources/contenttweaker/lang/en_us.lang , listed as below:

  • warp.sword.speak.random.0=§o§5 I will put in the grave as many as I can, just one swing is enough!§r
    I don't if this is actually an error, it could be some kind of abbreviation.
  • warp.sword.speak.kill.4=§o§5Another tasty flash
    flesh I guess
  • tooltips.lang.reinforced_cell_frame=The Reinforced Cell Frame (Full) can only be made in a Fluid Transposer with an internal buffer of 250.000 RF or more.
    The dot is a bit misleading and can be interpreted as 250, maybe 250,000 will be better.
  • tooltips.lang.drop_at_night=§3Drop §n%s§r§3 on §n%s§r§3 undert night sky
    under ?
  • Also, in some entries, I found such a word strenght , maybe originally it is strength .

Modpack version v1.21.0


Thanks for the report! I will fix that.


I don't if this is actually an error, it could be some kind of abbreviation.

What means abbreviation? Add " symbols?


That's because I will put in the grave seems missing something. Usually I would use put sth. in instead of just put in , but put in could be some kind of special usage, so I say "could be some kind of abbreviation"


That's because I will put in the grave seems missing something. Usually I would use put sth. in instead of just put in , but put in could be some kind of special usage, so I say "could be some kind of abbreviation"

Sorry, i didnt get it 😅


Nevermind, that could be my problem. The usage that I'm familiar with is put {something} in {someplace} , say put an apple in the cabinet . That's why put in the grave feels wrong for me, and I would suggest inserting something, for example put these souls in the grave .
But I just search this expression on an dictionary, and given its result, maybe my feeling is not that correct.
Feel free to ingnore this lang entry.

