Cannot remove enchantments from Wyvern Armor
Gabbleducky opened this issue ยท 2 comments
Modpack version
Cannot use IF Enchantment Extractor to remove enchantments from Wyvern or Draconic Armor
I am about to craft the Draconic Armor and wanted to remove the enchantments from my Wyvern Armor before crafting. I have an Industrial Foregoing Enchantment Extractor with power and a stack of books but it won't let me even put the Wyvern gear into the machine. I tried using a hopper but that didn't work either.
The Enchantment extractor just doesn't accept some items for some reason. I'm 99% sure we can do nothing about that. You might try the unenchanting pylon from cylic, wich is way more involved but i had great succes with MA tools, wich share the same issue.