Integrated dynamics quest from book not working and achievments missing ?
Gayanfalor opened this issue ยท 6 comments
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Issue Description
quest from the ID book are not working and the achievments from the mod are misisng i remember there was many to do and here only 4 node ?
Modpack version (Do not use "latest")
My server admin said :"@gayan With regards to the integrated dynamics challenges, there are some error messages in the server log:
[20:42:58] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: Parsing error loading built-in advancement integrateddynamics:meneglin_basics/menril_production Unknown recipe 'integrateddynamics:menril_planks' [20:42:58] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: Parsing error loading built-in advancement integratedtunnels:root Unknown recipe 'integratedtunnels:part_player_simulator_item' [20:42:58] [Server thread/ERROR] [net.minecraft.advancements.AdvancementList]: Couldn't load advancement integrateddynamics:advanced_operations/logical_list_building: Task Advancement{parentId=integrateddynamics:logic_operations/logic_programming, display=net.minecraft.advancements.DisplayInfo@6cbd272d, rewards=AdvancementRewards{experience=0, loot=[], recipes=[], function=null}, criteria={criteria_0=net.minecraft.advancements.Criterion@6db1116b}, requirements=[[criteria_0]]} ..
If applicable, please upload your crash report, or latest.log to hastebin.
Achievment page
Integrated Dynamics quests/advancements are messed up because I changed some recipes for it, it has no way of handling it.
oh ok, so its not a bug ^^, its not impacting the game so i still can use the mod without problem ?
How would I restore the advancements? Disabling IntegratedDynamics.zs seems to have no effect on them, and I couldn't find any other references to the mod in config+scripts
ID planks have their recipe altered through the plankWood oredict, in the MiscScripts :)