Add low passive generation to Mekanism fusion
NielsPilgaard opened this issue ยท 5 comments
Aww, went a bit too far?
Should be able to dial in just about any value you want with a bit of testing.
Would be good with a warning-style tooltip, but I also think we need to bring back passive generation.
Yeah it seems like it :( People are asking what's wrong on the Mekanism discord very frequently, so I think that means we need a slight adjustment. I still think the passive generation should be a fraction of the default though.
Yeah it seems like it :( People are asking what's wrong on the Mekanism discord very frequently, so I think that means we need a slight adjustment. I still think the passive generation should be a fraction of the default though.
Maybe add warning message on reactors blocks, that it has no passive generation?
Something like big bright red letters saying "TURBINE REQUIRED TO PRODUCE ENERGY WITH THIS REACTOR"