Enigmatica 6 - E6 - 1.16.5

Enigmatica 6 - E6 - 1.16.5


You are unable to craft Percision Mechanisms in 0.5.7

KnyteGaming opened this issue · 4 comments


The precision Mechanism is one of the new Sequential craftings added in the new version of Create, it is needed to make mechanical arms. By default there is a recipe for it but it appears to be missing. I checked against a pack containing just create(and flywheel) and the recipe is there and works. The other two sequential crafting recipes work for making cogs, but the recipe for precision mechanisms doesn't work,


came here to report the same issue, saw this open one so i'll attach my screenshots here instead of making a new one:

all the sequenced assembly recipes:
Screen Shot 2021-07-29 at 11 20 40
the precision mechanism isn't there, and neither won't anything show up if you press R over it.

you can't craft the mechanical arm and the rotation speed controller without it: (no alternative recipes)
Screen Shot 2021-07-29 at 11 21 13
(including the extendo grip & potato cannon one of the alternate usage tabs)

(sceenshots taken on a server with /mode expert, as well as having done that on the client itself)


a piece of the puzzle may be there are no gold sheets, yet the default recipe seems to require one, maybe that's why it silently fails?

Screen Shot 2021-07-29 at 11 32 25

luckly in the latest changelog for this pack it mentions kubejs create now supporting custom sequenced assembly recipes, i suppose the default one will have to be overwritten, and a new recipe that doesn't use gold sheets to return in its place? https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/kubejs-create (at the very bottom)

(emendatusenigmatica:gold_plate seems like the best possible candidate to replace create's gold sheets with)


Way to not use tags, Create. I'll take a whack at this shortly, as I've already been playing with the KJS integration for it.


I retract my "way to not use tags" comment; the issue is actually one of the outputs of the recipe (I think) so it couldn't have used a tag. So instead - way to introduce random failure to a recipe that should just work every time...